Friday, May 12, 2006

The Undercurrent of Non Existent Momentum

Well, it is safe to say that I have not accomplished any of the previously mentioned goals I set forth two weeks ago. For that I am discouraged and unpleasantly existent ashamed of my lack of self discipline and feelings of self worth. Instead of decreasing my four bowls of pipe tobacco down to two like I had stated as a goal, this morning like most every morning before it, I stepped out to the side of the house and smoked my typical pipe in the typical way, at the typical early morning time like I have so often before. The morning sun was out and the ground and trees were damp from an earlier rain, yet like so many times before, I sullied myself and the surroundings with my smoking. Luckily, my young daughter was still asleep when I went outside for this activity.

Unlike my brother (, who seems to have a richer, more rewarding, more care-free life than I could ever imagine, I fail at every turn it seems. I did not even begin a new exercise plan for myself. My bother smokes like a fiend, exercises like a robot on caffeine, lives life so much "larger" than I do, but I do not understand how to alter the course or path I am on. I am almost impervious to change, no matter how I would like to change. There is so much that needs to be changed.

a) I smoke. I smoke four bowls of pipe tobacco a day. At 41, that is shameful.
b) I do not exercise enough. I should walk (or better yet, run) five miles a day like my much older brother and my two sisters, but I do not. At 41, that is also shameful.
c) I do not live life fully enough. When I look at my siblings, all I see is accomplishment after accomplishment, joy after joy. For me, I feel I am a meek, little mouse, afraid of being crushed under the weight of the various larger-than-life elephants about me.

The rotating sphere of this planet seems to never align with my own psychic reference so I am always tilting and bending from the incongruent match. Besides the failures I have listed above, I am fearful that there are other behaviors of mine that are just as much failures of mine I am not yet aware of.

d) I may not love enough. What if I am not giving my wife enough of the love she deserves and needs? What if I am showering enough love on my children?
e) I may not perceive enough. What if I am missing so much that my life is flat and flaccid, my family's presence diminished?
f) I may not pray enough. What is enough for prayer? Perhaps God is angry at me for my miniscule effort, perhaps the hour I spend in prayer should be better spent in another type or effort in prayer?
g) I may not read enough. My living is from reading , writing, and teaching, yet what if I am not being what I can and should be in my career? Should I work harder and with extra diligence?
h) I may be a glutton. Compared to the famines going on around us in the third world, it seems my actions day to day are horribly gluttonous. As mentioned before, I have been (unfortunately) smoking four bowls of pipe tobacco a day, I have been (unfortunately) allowing myself two cups of coffee a day, I have been eating a small snack each evening and I have not followed my earlier plan to cut my portions down at each meal.
i) I may be selfish. In so many ways, in so may moments, I am not putting my wife and kids first, and I am not putting my students first, and I am not placing my university or community first. Instead, shamefully, I am putting myself first and that never should be. I need to be fully a servant.

I must endeavor to remake myself into a better man. I am weak and so deficient in so many ways that the momentum I need to find seems impossible.



At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a victim of your continuously chattering mind telling you how things should be; thereby trying to validate its own existence (see Eckhart Tolle). Be a little more gentle and forgiving with yourself and learn to accept and love yourself for who you are. While examining one's life and strifing to improve oneself is a good thing, too much of it can also create problems, such as creating unrealistic expectations and being your own worst slave triber. Therefore, relax, let go and enjoy life!

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Bueller said...

Self-loathing will suck you dry. You sound like a decent fellow. It's unfortunate that likable people are the ones to criticize themselves the most. You don't hear TRUE assholes examining any real or imagined shortcomings...

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Bueller said...

Self-loathing will suck you dry. You sound like a decent fellow. It's unfortunate that likable people are the ones to criticize themselves the most. You don't hear TRUE assholes examining any real or imagined shortcomings...

At 9:49 PM, Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.
- G.K. Chesterton

I'm a twenty year old fool with a similar tendency to too much introspection. If you continue asking the same questions over and over again without getting answers, it seems time to surrender to God.

You're never going to love you wife enough to ease your own mind. Once a day, at the end, see if you've spent the day loving her as well as you can. Make note of any failings on your part, and then let God take the rest. If thoughts such as these come up during the day, give these also to God. Offer the sacrifice for the pour souls, and ask the saints to strengthen you.

I read this in a book once. It's worked for me the times I've followed it. I wish you the peace of Christ.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Tory said...

Goodness, don't be so hard on yourself! We're all human, and none of us is perfect. Make friends with yourself, do the best you can do, make changes if needed and pray. It's all we can do.
You think too much. Ease up.
Take care


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