Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Son Michael

After a very long hiatus, I have decided to try again to write on this site, much like my brother has done on his site very consistently for seven years. What I will focus on is my feelings and emotions about my family and especially about my two young children, Maria and Michael.

Today, I am hoping and praying that my son Michael does well in school. He has started kindergarten this fall, and it has been a bit of a struggle for him. The struggle is not academically, for he is enjoying the work and the tasks. His struggle is in socialization during periods of time that are not structured, such as lunch or at recess. He has bitten a kid twice in the last week, and has had to go to the principal's office for these offenses.

Michael is a really good kid, and he knows what he should do. My wife and I really want what is the best for him and are working hard to reiterate to him the ways he knows how to behave.

Please, Lord, give Michael the encouragement he needs as he makes his decisions today so that he chooses to do the right things.



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